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    Due frnni Constable, 3110 : 10 ; 7 Tuwn uf Siidbun, be euld at publick vandue and the proceeds to be are as fulloua, viz, : Itii'ir part i.f the Gnne on hand 4 lime of the completion of the new meeting house the $1700, and was first used for town-meetings November was accepted and agreed upon : " .\nd that all Land that belonged to the Town of Sudbury, or for the Soldiers of 1812. — The following men were vol- 'James Thousos itip 1^1 the Town of SniUjury and Eapt Sudburj". apreeable tu an Ait of following substitutes: Cephas Moore, Jonas Aobot. 'Tmo* Walker store. It is the first building ea^terly of the Unitarian old one was conveyed to J. F. Heard and Luther to make a division with East Sudbury of the men re- " Due to Sudbury iu the CuDstable's aud Treasurer'^ Rev. John B. Wight was ordained. This building is " Altso, that the Town Stock uf Anna and Aniunitiuii be Divided as set Their pan of the Lead 391 Iba. Shuuld belong tu the tov^'u uf Sudbury betore the Division of the above quired of Sudbury and East Sudbury for three years; Riticleti;, it Shall be Equally Divided between the Tuwn of Sudbury and preceded the decision, and that on thirty-four occa- Isaac Matnard - Ctrinmitlee' Palmer. The first served, the last two procured the the General Court Passed ihe lo'b of April, 178ii, for Dividing the Town the age of sixty-two. The following persons have '■ASUER ClTLEB AS.VIIEL WllEELER alter be brought tu the Town of Si'dbury or the Tow n of East Suabury, also to malce division of clothing, beef, etc., required Sum i& 4.;i : 3 : 4. That all the Money Due on Bondu and Notes fur the the Tow u Siandard of Veights aad Sleasures which beluDged to the And if any thing shall be made to appear tu be Estate ur property that June 19, 1801, Rev. Josiah Bridge passed away at which contained a Town Hall, school-room and ante- E«iually dnided between tiie towns uf Sndbur\ and East Sudbury. Received of niouey 27 . . erection of the new building in 1878. In 1835 the town took the name of Wayland, after Draper, Rufus Goodnow. The following men were In the division Sherman's Bridge was left partly in Money due to the town in M'. Cutler's Imnds biken out of are in the Contineutal .Vrmy. 12iiG . 2 . 0." furili in the Act uf the General Cuiirt fur Dividing the Town of Sudbury. Church. Before the erection of this meeting-house Sudbury's part of the above sum is 391 . 15 , Foster, John B. Wight, Richard T. Austin, Edmund eastern boundary. Ijand^, be Equally Divided between Ench of ^aid Tow ne, which Sums Sudbury's part of the Powder 142 lbs. their Inhabitance. Also, that the Debts Due from Said Town of Sud- the second story for the free use of the town for thirty of budbury, proceded and ugrted us hilluweih, viz. : that all the Money and Jleasnres sold for £1183 . 10 . unteers in the War of 1812: Abel Heard, James June 1, 1814, the frame of a new meeting-house The remainder to be paid hy Ihe treasurer of E. Sudbury. Kew Grant Lunds, or Money Now jn the Treasury, or in Constables' I)ue UD the Bonds and Noiea. hfiug the l)i>natiun uf lUary I)uun to Ihe H. Sears. George A. Williams, Samuel D. Robins, That the town had to pay Ihe sum of 16bl . 19 . 5 each town, and the river formed about half the town's " Due on New Grant Bonds and Notes, 133 : 14 : 7 of said town. A committee, April 23, 1781, made the following finantial exhibit : of Sudbury for the Support of Soldien^' families who East Side of the River, be Disposed of to EuRt Sudburt- according to the years. It was known for many years as the old Green Court foi Dividing Said 'J own. And that the Pound and Old Beli, and benelit of the Poor, ^Imll be Dnided agreeable to the Act of the General the brook the building should stand on. About the will of the l>onor. And the money Due on Bonds an<l Notee, given by " AVe, the Subecribeis, being appointed a committee to Join a Com"< the StJite Treasury for what was advanced by the Town ill the Tow u uf Sudbury before the di\ isiou of S'^ Town, and shall here- rooms for the use of the town. The building cost J Young, N. P. Oilman, Herbert Mott. OS their Pour Shall be SiipjKJrted by that Town in which Ihey Gained sions the question was discussed as to which side of Other committees concerning the matter of divi- there was a prolonged discussion as to where it should the one now in use by the First Parish or Unitarian The charge of sale 20.8 .0 The old Bell, Pound and Town Standard of Weights the committee rendered the following report, which sion were appointed the same year. The assessors were was raised. The structure was completed January hall by the Town of East Sudbury, which Sum is 2'.»T7 : 7 : 1. the Town of E«8l ?udbur\. And that the Town of East Midbury (tliall 19th and dedicated January 24, 1815, on which day 1840, erected & new building on a part of the same, Gleason, who were to remove it and provide a hall in 8, 1841, and served the town for that purpose till the served as his successors in the pastorate: Revs. Joel and Schooling, be tf|iiully I>ividt-d between Eatli of the S'^ Towns, whitU rv and Abigail legate. And all Such Persoiiri us have Gained u Residence Church, aud now the summer residence of Mr. Wil- 'Mr. Peier >oyes and CHpt. Jobliua Haynet, fur the lienefii cf ihe i'oor from East Siulbnry to make a Division of Ihe Money and Est«te beluiig- hands £!«: . . in house stood was sold to Mr. James Draper, who about Snp|»ort and Muintaiu as their I'oor During their Life, the Widow \ick- be placed. It is stated that a seven years' contest drafted : Reuben Sherman, Daniel Hoven, John lard BuUard. The land on which the old meeting- Jaraes H. Collins, William M. Salter, Edward J. Due from the Town Treasurer, 348 : C : o bury Shall be paid, the one half b}' the Town of Sudbury, and the other




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